.. |plugin| image:: ./img/logo.png :width: 2.5em .. |plugin2| image:: ./img/logo2.png :width: 2.5em .. _introduction: ============ Introduction ============ Dear user, welcome to **Gisquick** documentation! Gisquick (http://gisquick.org) is an open-source geospatial data platform for publishing geospatial data in terms of rapid sharing `QGIS `__ projects. Explore more to see how easy yet powerful is working in Gisquick. There are few topics you might be interested in. Firstly, if you are about to **publish** your **QGIS** **project online**, see chapter :ref:`chapter-1` to :ref:`chapter-4`. Please notice that there are two alternative approaches of publishing so the choice must be made which one to follow (chapter :ref:`chapter-2` or :ref:`chapter-3`). Together with every released project, web map service (**WMS**) is created and can be subsequently modified. If you wonder **what does the output look like** or **which features are involved**, check chapter :ref:`chapter-5`. Browse chapter :ref:`chapter-6` for **metadata of example datasets** which were used for documentation. If you plan to **operate Gisquick publication server** on your own hardware, see chapter :ref:`chapter-7`. .. thumbnail:: ./img/example.svg Gisquick in action. .. _chapter-1: 1. :doc:`Creating account ` -------------------------------------------------------- It is necessary to create an account. .. _chapter-2: 2. :doc:`Traditional publishing ` -------------------------------------------------------------------- Whether to follow traditional way of publishing depends only on user. Nevertheless, both ways have its pros & cons. Definitely, the traditional approach is a good point to start, since it uses the Gisquick plugin |plugin| , which has been tested for a long time. Anyway, please read short description of experimental approach either to consider which one to follow. 2.1 :ref:`Preparing project ` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" How to proceed in QGIS. 2.2 :ref:`Uploading project ` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" How to upload prepared project created in plugin to server. .. _chapter-3: 3. :doc:`Experimental publishing ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Experimental way of publishing is kind of innovative approach to Gisquick. New plugin |plugin2| is involved. In comparison to traditional approach, it allows user to easily edit published projects; every change made in project in QGIS can be reflected in Gisquick by activating plugin which enables user to compare local and cloud project's folders, layer by layer. 3.1 :ref:`Preparing project ` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" How to proceed in QGIS. 3.2 :ref:`Uploading project ` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" How to connect to the server directly from QGIS and upload project. .. _chapter-4: 4. :doc:`Releasing project ` ---------------------------------------------------------- Last few steps of publishing process are identical for both traditional and experimental way. .. _chapter-5: 5. :doc:`User interface ` ---------------------------------------------------- Each component involved in UI is described in this chapter. .. _chapter-6: 6. :doc:`Sample datasets ` ------------------------------------------- Basic information about datasets which were used for documentation. .. _chapter-7: 7. :doc:`Other ` ---------------------------------- Interesting links to video tutorials, used technologies or source code. .. note:: Gisquick has been originally developed for `GIS.lab `__ system with aim to produce generally usable web client interface. Later it was separated into a new independent project usable with or without GIS.lab infrastructure. Summarized chapters and subchapters as they appear in left side menu. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 user-manual/creating-account user-manual/traditional-publishing user-manual/experimental-publishing user-manual/releasing-project user-manual/user-interface user-manual/datasets user-manual/other